
Selected Recent Events

Design and AI Symposium 22/10/2024 Dutch Design Week, TU Eindhoven (Organising)
Speculative AI Summer School 2/9/2024 Politecnico Torino (Organising)
AI, agency and musicking 5/7/2024 Soundtrack Cologne (Keynote)
Relational AI Interaction Design 26/4/2024 Turing AI and Arts Seminar (Invited Talk) [ Doc 1 ]
Speculative Robot Encounters 1/12/2023 SIGGRAPH Sparks (Conference Talk)
Speculative Robot Encounters 3/11/2023 TU Delft (Exhibition) [ Doc 1 ]
Design and AI 18/10/2023 Design and AI Symposium (Organising)
Artificial Otoacoustics 10/10/2023 iii Flipchart (Performance) [ Doc 1 ]

(all events)