I teach on the Design for Interaction Masters and Bachelors in Industrial Design Engineering at TU Delft. I am course coordinator for the Interactive Technology Design course. We ask students to rapidly prototype future technologise, particularly AI supported interactions, exploring the space of the possible with 20 designs over 20 weeks. In 2024/25, this will become the Speculative Design Studio, where we will explore futures through making and acting.

Selected Student Projects


The ITD students embody futures through their exhibitions each year. You can see exhibition pages from the last few years:

Graduation Projects

A short selection of graduation projects from past students:


In Delft, I have coached on the following courses: DATA (Bachelors), Context and Conceptualisation (Masters), Understanding Humans (Bachelors) and Form and Senses (Masters), and run workshops in the the AI and More-than-Human Design Masterclass

In Design Informatics at Edinburgh, I spent three years being Programme Director for the Design Informatics MA/MFA - a highly cross disciplinary masters programme that combines data science with design thinking in a context of critical enquiry and speculation. It asks how we can create products and services that learn and evolve, that are contextualised and humane, questioning what we should create, speculating about the different futures we might be building and the values behind them. I developed the courses:

  • Data Science for Design: an introduction to data science and programming in Python with a strong emphasis on communication and working with live research data to answer real questions. Suitable for those with no previous programming experience and still challenging for those who can code. Co-taught with Benjamin Bach.
  • Design With Data: how do we translate data into experience? A combination of interaction design, service design and technical prototyping, centred around an external partner’s datasets.
  • Connected Things: an introduction to IoT for product designers, taking a critical look at how we design physical things that use flows of data as part of their functionality. Co-taught with Bettina Nissen.
  • Electronic Things: an introduction to electronics for product designers, now taught by Bettina Nissen